Street League 2013 总决赛月底打响

作者: StreetLeague 发表于: 2013-08-15 评论: 0 查看: 0


      2013 SLS Nike SB World Tour 总决赛将于8月25号在新泽西州纽瓦克打响,8位世界顶尖街式滑手Nyjah Huston,Paul Rodriguez,Sean Malto,Chris Cole,Torey Pudwill,Luan Oliveira,Mikey Taylor 和Shane ONeill 晋级总决赛,谁将会夺得最后的总冠军并独揽200,000美元奖金呢?拭目以待!




The event will be broadcast LIVE on August 25th on ESPN2 at 7PM ET and distributed to over 198 countries via the ESPN family of channels. The International webcast will stream LIVE on StreetLeague.com.


来源: StreetLeague
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