Mark Appleyard新片《SOUL REBEL》发布

作者: dslmag 发表于: 2013-06-17 评论: 0 查看: 0


      Element旗下滑手Mark Appleyard最新个人视频《SOUL REBEL》正式发布,该片拍摄耗时2年,拍摄地点遍及全球多个国家,完美的剪辑加上合理的音乐,再加上Mark Appleyard长达20年的滑板理解,这部《SOUL REBEL》倾注了太多的感情!



Damn! Im sure everyone can agree that its been way too long since weve seen a part from Appleyard but he came really through for Element with the footage below. I was hoping he wasnt just casually sleeping somewhere and to my luck he definitely wasnt. Mark owns one of the most effortless, carefree styles in skateboarding, and this part really gives us a solid reminder. Its awesome to know that he has been quietly killing it, hiding in the shadows doing his own thing. You can get this part on iTunes and save it forever, otherwise, check it below.


来源: dslmag
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