Street League 2013 堪萨斯城站回顾

作者: transworld 发表于: 2013-06-15 评论: 0 查看: 0


       Street League 2013第三站堪萨斯城站正式落下帷幕,Element滑手Nyjah Huston在连续获得首站及第二站冠军后,用一个接近完美的表现将第三站的冠军收入囊中!而Chris Cole在本站比赛中状态回温,力压PRod最终名列第二位,PRod位居第三位。6月27号德国慕尼黑站,Nyjah Huston还会续写传奇吗?






It gets fierce when the moneys on the line. Things definitely heated up since practice in Kansas. Check out the photos and video of heavy moves that went down during the Street League finals yesterday. Stay tuned for the next stop in Germany on the 27th


来源: transworld
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