Deathwish滑手Neen Williams新片未使用片段

作者: Deathwish 发表于: 2013-05-31 评论: 0 查看: 0


      Deathwish新片《The Deathwish Video》已经上映有一段时间了,而滑手们拍摄了大量片段最终没有放入到正片中,本次Deathwish为我们准备Neen Williams的为剪辑片段,一起更随镜头躁动起来吧!



Neen had a bunch of leftover footage from The Deathwish Video that wasnt used in his part. If you havent already seen The Deathwish Video, make sure you go to your local shop and buy the DVD or download it on iTunes!


来源: Deathwish
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