Converse改造计划CONS Space 001 BCN

作者: CONS 发表于: 2013-05-29 评论: 0 查看: 0


     上周六Converse在巴塞罗那将一个废弃码头的一部分结合滑板,艺术和音乐等街头元素打造了一座CONS SPACE,由Kenny Anderson和Pontus Alv联手当地艺术家Txemy Basuelto, Fernando Elvira和Ruben Sanchez亲自上阵建造,众多涂鸦,音乐,滑板爱好者前往参加落成派对,此次改造应该给我们城市建设者们提供了一个好参照!





On Saturday 18 May 2013, Converse took over a disused section of the Port of Barcelona to create the first CONS SPACE, an initiative to transform disused urban space through skateboarding, art and music.


来源: CONS
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