
作者: dslmag 发表于: 2013-05-08 评论: 0 查看: 0


       夜给我们带来安宁,音乐我们带来陶冶,而滑板给我带了信仰,当这三个元素结合到一起的时候,我们还有什么理由去拒绝呢?影片《Pyrakantha》就这样悄悄来到我们的视线,由摄影师Colin Kennedy与滑手Danny Garcia经历42个夜晚拍摄而成,加上与音乐的完美结合,不论你现在是在滑板的路上,还是在回家的路上,一起来欣赏这部影片吧!



This video shot by Colin Kennedy was shot over the course of 42 days from November 2012 – February 2013. It follows professional skateboarder Danny Garcia as he navigates through Los Angeles in the final moments of daylight. The song is “Pyrakantha” by Balmorhea. Its put together extremely well and offers quite a cool concept!


来源: dslmag
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