
作者: skateboardermag 发表于: 2013-04-21 评论: 0 查看: 0


       Deathwish的新片《The Deathwish Video》本月初已经在洛杉矶市中心隆重举办首映会,现场邀请了众多大牌职业滑手和著名艺术家到场观助威,这部历时超过5年拍摄制作的Deathwish 大片确实值得大家期待,本片已于今天在itunes正式发售,没能赶上首映的朋友不妨前往itunes购买下载。




If you werent lucky enough to make it out to the world premier of The Deathwish Video youre in luck – the video is now available for pre-order on iTunes for $9.99 and is expected to arrive tomorrow, April 21. Check the trailer below, and get a copy for yourself so you can premiere it with your homies!


来源: skateboardermag
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