David Gonzalez玩翻Volcom park滑板场

作者: skateboardermag 发表于: 2013-04-17 评论: 0 查看: 0


       滑手David Gonzalez无疑使最近出镜率最高的滑手之一,本次又出现在滑板购物网站CCS的Trick Mix视频栏目中。David Gonzalez来到Volcom park尽情肆掠,当然同时不忘给你自己的Globe新签名款滑板鞋打上广告。



You cant deny how gnarly David Gonzalez is, so anytime hes putting something out its going to be rad. Enjoy this short but sweet clip from CCS featuring David ripping through the Volcom park.


来源: skateboardermag
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