Skate Rock - 日本之旅 Part 3

作者: Thrashermagazine 发表于: 2013-03-12 评论: 0 查看: 0


       Thrashermagazine官网发布了Skate Rock日本之旅视频的第3部同时也是分最后一部,前两部分相信大家都记忆犹新,让我们一起在第3部的狂欢中结束本次的日本之旅吧!



After a week of busted bones and ear ringing, Skate Rock Japan winds down at a sea wall spot that didnt help much two years ago. Thanks to all of the Japanese skaters, hosts, ramp owners, and everyone we met. Felem rules and nothing is safe when the Skate Rock crew is in town.


来源: Thrashermagazine
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