BenRaybourn - 个人视频"The Raybourn Identity"

作者: Thrasher 发表于: 2013-03-04 评论: 0 查看: 0


      Birdhouse旗下滑手Ben Raybourn近日在著名滑板网站Thrasher发布了自己的个人最新视频"The Raybourn Identity",虽然名气不能和队里的其他人想比,但是丝毫不能掩饰Ben Raybourn的实力,当然他也是为数不多佩戴眼镜的职业滑手。



Ben Raybourn is on an absolute tear. If you think this part is gonna be leftovers from the Bones vid you are sorely mistaken. 2013 is lookin pretty good so far.


来源: Thrasher
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