Brick Harbor - 2012 团队年末视频

作者: Transworld 发表于: 2012-12-04 评论: 0 查看: 0


       著名滑板网络店铺Brick Harbor发布了其2012团队的年末视频,本次视频也受到了大家广泛的关注。参与视频的滑手有:Zack Wallin, Jake Johnson, Jack Curtin, Ishod Wair, Gino Iannucci, Dennis Busenitz, and PJ Ladd,虽然视频中的部分滑手片段在之前有单独发不过,但是一点也没有影响片子质量,点击视频查看吧。




The Brick Harbor team was on fire in 2012. This montage includes some of our favorite clips from Brick Harbor riders.Keep watch for way more footy from these guys and more in 2013.


来源: Transworld
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