Skullcandy - Theos Euro Snaps 预告

作者: Skullcandy 发表于: 2012-11-08 评论: 0 查看: 0


       还有什么比跟好友基友一起出去滑板更开心的事情的呢?Skullcandy为我们带来了最新的欧洲之旅视频预告,参与拍摄的2位滑手则是我们老朋友Eric Koston和Theotis Beasley。这一黑一白的的组合不由让我们想起成龙主演的电影《尖峰时刻》,Eric Koston和Theotis Beasley都是爱搞怪的滑手,不信点击预告片看看吧。



Check out this trailer for an upcoming video featuring Eric Koston and Theotis Beasley touring around Europe for Skullcandy. Also, keep your eyes out for our magazine article of this trip in out newest issue hitting stores and mailboxes soon!

来源: Skullcandy
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