Nixon出品Andrew Reynolds纪录片

作者: thefinstudio 发表于: 2012-04-19 评论: 0 查看: 0

        作为杂志15周年庆祝活动之一,来自法国的Desillusion Magazine日前与Nixon联合推出一部新作品《This Is Andrew》,影片聚焦滑板界的传奇滑手Andrew Reynolds,收录BOSS的滑板和生活片段以及简短的访谈,相当有爱的一部作品!

        To celebrate its tenth year of existence, Desillusion Magazine has chosen to honor the people who have inspired them most this past decade.

        After zooming in on snowboarder/musician Trevor Andrew in the first edition, the second of this series of six portraits takes a look at the life of Andrew Reynolds.

        This is Andrew is a short video about one of the most influential skateboarders of all times, Andrew Reynolds. Pro for over 15 years now, the man has dedicated his entire life to the skateboarding world, and has done just about everything there is to be done. From the mischief that him and his crew Piss drunk used to get up to, to the DIY creation of Baker skateboard, he never once forgot to be and stay one of the best on a board, which earned him the title of  the boss over the years.

        Produced & Directed by Desillusion Magazine // presented by Nixon.


来源: thefinstudio
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