让人无语的让人无语的Lakai新广告The Shoes We Skate

作者: Lakai 发表于: 2012-01-07 评论: 0 查看: 0

        Lakai最新滑板宣传片The Shoes We Skate,短短16秒,却让看过的人心情很复杂,不过Lakai就是Lakai,再短的片也绝对有看点,Girl家族滑板视频的创意总是这么令人发指。

        Heres a new 17 seconds of shoe commercial from Lakai. Its funny.

        Featuring Raven Tershy, shot and edited by Aaron Meza with assistance from Ty Evans. Special thanks to Johannes Gamble, Logan Lara and Angelo for helping make it happen.

来源: Lakai
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