P Rod出演Mountain Dew最新滑板短片

作者: Mountain Dew 发表于: 2011-08-15 评论: 0 查看: 0

        近日著名饮料品牌Mountain Dew(激浪)发布其全新滑板短片STREETS OF FURY,由旗下的三位滑手Paul Rodriguez, 刚刚晋升为PRO的Theotis Beasley以及Keelan Dadd出演,尽管只有一分半长但仍然相当给力。

        With the Dew Tour going down this weekend in Portland, Oregon, we figured it would be appropriate to showcase the new Mountain Dew video short featuring Paul Rodriguez(P-Rod), Theotis Beasley and Keelan Dadd. Watch as these three teammates scour LA for spots in Streets Of Fury.

来源: Mountain Dew
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