Lakai最新Nick Jensen精彩广告片

作者: Lakai 发表于: 2010-11-07 评论: 0 查看: 0

    Lakai旗下滑手Nick Jensen与滑板制片人Henry Edwards-Wood一同为品牌拍摄了一段广告片,诗情画意加创意滑板,绝对不容错过!

    Nick Jensen partnered up with mate Henry Edwards-Wood to produce this video feature that very effectively captures the true vibe of life and skateboarding in foggy London town this time of year. Hardly a drop of sunshine, a lot of colorful leaves, some grime and lots great skateboarding- all shot wonderfully- combine to tell the tale quite well. Theres even an ice ledge for good measure.


来源: Lakai
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