周末战士10月版Deathwish + Shake Junt + Baker

作者: bakerboysdist.com 发表于: 2010-11-01 评论: 0 查看: 0

Oxnard misson

    Weekend Warriors(周末战士)10月版新鲜出炉,超强阵容来自Deathwish, Shake Junt和Baker滑手Dustin dollin, Andrew reynolds, Erik Ellington, Antwuan Dixon, Jim Greco......

    Welcome to Weekend Warriors, October Edition from Deathwish, Shake Junt and the Baker homies.

jeff lenoce

Roll to the first spot of the day where the crew had to squeeze on through to the other side.

Jeff lenoce

shane heyl

Shane heyl

Nailed it!

braydon szafranski

Braydon slaps together a crispy before the sesh.

Crew deep

Crew deep at the manny.


Gareth use to live around the area and knew of a good bomb sandwich spot.


Side lines at the next spot.

gareth stehr

Gareth finds the remains of another skate crew who came and thrashed it.


Nuge shortly after stompin the yard!

Shane heyl

New shit, Shanes beanie got that gangsta lean. Call it a day and head to the store for milk cans, gettin ready for an early wake up tomorrow.

Bakerboys dist

Some how we all manage to regroup again at Drews house early as shit for us stoners 10 am, sober crews dream come true with the first early start in ages.

erik ellington and shane heyl

Erik and Shane already got them power drinks ready to do the damn.

Beagle, jim greco, erik ellington, shane heyl

Beagle and Jim exchange mechanic numbers. Just wait till yo see Beagle flossin in his new ride. Shits tight!

Dustin dollin

Frankenstein Dustin from his recent tours across seas.

SOber van

Drew pops in a skate dvd and new sober maniacs van is ready to roll out. No more contact highs for these fools.

Slash keeper and braydon

Slash, Braydon, and keeper.

Oxnard misson

Crew deep we roll out towards Moose home town of Oxnard. First stop is a skate park warm up in Casa Conejo on the outskirts of town.

andrew reynolds & Twuan

Drew and Twuan rappin out.

Dustin dollin

Dustin wraps up the potential gangrene infection.

Dustin dollin glove

Fuck a bandage, MJ glove and he all good now.

drew board

Oxnards best 7 stair rail. Drew with a board slider.


Dustin slips in a quick switch board under the radar.

the pros

The pros get into position for Hammer Time.


JIm greco and slash and crew

The hammer walk

drew skate vids

More vids

Money borrow

Braydon gets easily confused after he ask Dustin to borrow some money for lunch.

Moose car

Moose leads the way to the next spot in the skate rat car. Dustin notices that Mooses homie sitting in shotgun is wearing headphones. As soon as we stop Dustin races out the van to call the kid out. Fool you, anti social mother fucker, if ya sittin shotgun you aint allowed to wear headphones while the other homies suffer in the car. Needless to say the kid was speechless and in fear the rest of the trip. Got em Dustin.

Twuan breaking bread with lenoce

Twuan breakin bread with Lenoce.

Jeff lenoce and B shake junt

Lenoce and B on that Halloween grip flavor.

Slash and keeper

Slasher and keeper chillin.

Erik ellington, slash, dustin dollin, braydon, moose

Sue and Erik figure out the angles.

Dustin dollin, Andrew reynolds, and jim greco

End of a long ass weekend.

来源: bakerboysdist.com
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