éS To Europe with Love巡回影片

作者: esskateboarding.com 发表于: 2010-10-17 评论: 0 查看: 0


    从5月30日至6月12日,ES滑板团队成员Mike Anderson, Justin Eldridge, Danny Garcia, Kellen James, Rick McCrank, John Rattray, Rodrigo TX, Bobby Worrest及一众特邀嘉宾在英国、法国和西班牙等地的展开“To Europe With Love”巡回活动,巡回影片的第一部分(共计三部分)已正式发布。

    From May 30th - June 12th, the éS Skateboarding team out on To Europe With Love tour.
Mike Anderson, Justin Eldridge, Danny Garcia, Kellen James, Rick McCrank, John Rattray, Rodrigo TX, Bobby Worrest and special guests take to UK, France and Spain for some gnarly indoor parks and all around shredding in to Europe with Love Pt. 1. now playing at Thrasher magazine.

来源: esskateboarding.com
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