DVS发布Harold Hunter基金系列滑板鞋

作者: dvsshoes.com 发表于: 2010-09-27 评论: 0 查看: 0

    为纪念Harold Hunter,DVS官方今日宣布推出Rico CT Harold Hunter Foundation系列滑板鞋,该系列由三款配色组成。同时DVS也成为2010年Harold Hunter Day活动的冠名赞助商。

    Harold Hunter Foundation(Harold Hunter基金)旨在让城市其青年通过滑板和奖学金培养个性及创造力。

    HHF Rico CT系列滑板鞋将在Harold Hunter Day(10月10日)前一周于各大滑板店上架,并将该系列产品的全部收益全部捐给Harold Hunter Foundation。

    DVS has announced the release of the Rico CT Harold Hunter Foundation Shoe Series and its title sponsorship of Harold Hunter Day 2010.

    The Harold Hunter Foundation aims to empower inner city youth through skateboarding and scholarships that nurture individuality and creativity.

    The Harold Hunter Foundation shoes are currently shipping to skate shops nationally, just in time for Harold Hunter Day—October 10, 2010. Proceeds from the sale of the HHF Team Series go directly to the Harold Hunter Foundation.

来源: dvsshoes.com
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